
Do you measure your happiness by the amount of smiling you do or the amount of times you didn't say the "f" word?

I say the "f" word a lot! It's like my bread to my butter. My poor children have heard me use that word too much in their lifetime but to me, it's not like the word will surprise them later. I'm actually doing them a service by using it often. I think it's almost become a staple for my conversations. My husband says it all the time though and even I notice he uses it during inoportune moments.

So anyway, pointless rant up there, I go out with my friend today to browse a home party with flip flops and clothes. $72 later, I walked out with a tube top, 2 bags and a "muffin top" hider. What is a "muffin top" hider you might ask? Well, it's a band that's about 7 inches wide that acts like a belt around your waist. The tagline was, "Hide your muffin top and avoid unsightly butt cleavage!" Well, if I wasn't sold with the prospect of hiding my butt cleavage, I don't know what would've sold me! And then on the way home, my friend asks if we should start working out since I'm going to Hawaii in about a month and she's about to start hitting the pool. Well, duh! Yes! What was her first hint at me wanting to exercise? Could it have possibly been the "muffin top" hider I bought?????

What she doesn't know is I went online the other day and bought these pills called: TrimBall-EXP200. They're a fiber pill that expands in your stomach taking the effect of an actual lap-band surgery. It guaratees that I'll lose 23 pounds in 7 weeks or my money back. I don't need to lose 23 pounds but if I did, that would be fantastic! I'm not gonna tell my husband I bought them though because I think I want him to marvel at my stamina to losing weight the "right" way. :) Of course since it's fiber...the constant pooping might tip him off but he's not that attentive to bowel movements. Tampons he'll notice but bowel movements, nothing. Of course, tampons actually affect his plans for the night but a bowel movement does nothing to interrupt his wants and needs.

If I've offended you or expressed anything you don't agree with, don't worry, I'll probably do it again.


  1. If you don't mind my asking have you gotten your pills? I ordered some today and was curious to see if you have taken them or notice a difference when you eat??

  2. Hi,

    I am Marta from FL, and wanted to ask you what results have you obtained with such pills and side effects. I saw the ad in the Star magazine today and was thinking of ordering them. Thanks!
    Marta D.

  3. Hi - have you started taking the Trimball Exp200 yet? Have you had giant dumps? Is there any gut pain involved? (Cramps, bloating, gas, etc...you know, the trinity of evil.) Do they really work, though...do the pills make you feel so full that you don't eat? I can't find any posting boards online regarding the product, so I'm a little suspicious about ordering it. Would LOVE to know your personal thoughts/experience with the product, since there doesn't seem to be much feedback out there.

    I'm not logged into my Google acct right now, so I'm posting anonymously, but you can go to my blog and share your experiences in the comments section if you prefer

    Thanks! -DG
