
Onward and Upward

I never read that book THE SECRET. I know I'm not the only one but when I say that, people are so shocked by my ignorance. I know, I know, Oprah said to read it but believe it or not, I don't always do what Oprah tells me to do. I think I get the gist of the book though that if you believe in something and really want something, the power of YOU will get that something. Well, I don't need to read a book to get that. Hello? I've been taught that my whole life. What idiot hasn't?

So what do I believe in and really want that the power of ME will acheive it? Well, I want a lot of things. Does a million dollars count for THE SECRET? How about the flat stomach and size 0 a$$ I had when I was younger? Do I close my eyes really hard and tap my heels together to the beat of "We Will Rock You"? How about stupid books of dumb stuff don't get published anymore? Can I tell you my secret? You aren't going to get anything unless you work for it. No amount of poster board with pictures of published works, size 0 jeans and hot bikini clad women plastered on it is going to get me any of that stuff. So how about we stop listening to Oprah, wishing on stars and wondering why we don't get what we want.....oh wait, or is that just me?

If I've offended you or expressed anything you don't agree with, don't worry, I'll probably do it again.



So it's Monday and my Mondays aren't like most Mondays. I don't work so I never get the Monday blues but I do have to drag my ass out of bed to take the girls to school. That bites but if that's the only thing I can complain about...nobody is going to pity me.

So after my writer's net peeps obliterated my dreams of having the perfect synopsis and then my mother comes over with my synopsis completely blacked out with ink...okay, I'll admit it, it sucked. So I rewrote it today and I think it's a thousand times better. I actually did take those assholes from writers.net seriously and followed some of their advice...and don't tell her but my mom totally rocked with her edits too! Did I repost on writers.net? Hell no! I can't take anymore criticism from strangers...I did however sent it to my mommy though!

Do you know what else Monday brings me? Silence. The kids are at school and the sounds of a clicking keyboard are like heaven to me. Occasionally, it'll get so silent that I'll have to put my iPod on and listen to some Metallica but today is not one of those days. Today, it's silent. And I love it. The synopsis is done in my mind, at least until my mommy calls but it's done for at least a couple more hours. Oh and except for the occasional text message ring from my phone, I can almost hear an agent out there saying to her/himself, "Am I ever going to get a book about some typical, unhappy, whore housewife? I can sell that kind of book!"

If I've offended you or expressed anything you don't agree with, don't worry, I'll probably do it again.